Avit and Wingmen build Springboard Network: European network for IT infrastructure and cybersecurity specialists


Vianen, 24 May 2023 - Avit, network integrator and managed service provider, together with Danish company Wingmen, is building a leading European network of like-minded entrepreneurial IT infrastructure and cybersecurity specialists, supported by Dutch investment firm Quadrum Capital. Under the label Springboard Network, both parties intend to continue building a specialist network of IT infrastructure integrators and managed security service providers. Companies that want to join as a new label will continue to operate under their own name, but will work together on new initiatives, sharing each other's knowledge and resources.

Springboard Network

Avit and Wingmen are the first two parties to join Springboard Network. Both labels expect synergistic industry peers to join in the near future. Multiple initiatives and discussions with industry peers are ongoing. This should ultimately create a tight and powerful network of cybersecurity companies and network specialists; two specialisations that complement each other seamlessly. In this way, Springboard Network aims to compete with major European players. For new labels, there are several advantages. Parties can grow faster together because of the cooperation in terms of investment in competences. In addition, participating labels can offer services from other labels to serve their own client portfolio even better. Also, offering international careers at affiliated labels can help attract IT professionals in this tight labour market. In this way, the network aims to be a 'springboard' to the future of companies, their talent and their clients.

Own identity Existing customers will not notice much of the changes at Avit and Wingmen. Springboard Network is a label for companies that keep their own identity, but with an addition in the logo. So everyone knows that there is a large network of specialist companies with a lot of knowledge, expertise, and vigour behind it. In addition, they are labels that value sustainable business. Future partners will be assessed on sustainability goals, among other criteria.

Ronald Kraanen, CEO of Avit: "It is our ambition to be able to decisively support large internationally operating companies from our European network. Many of our clients realise their growth ambitions in Europe, but they prefer to continue doing business with one international partner with local presence. That is why we want to grow with them. We are setting up a specialist network of IT specialists in Europe. This will enable us to provide customers with even better services."

Arjan Hoop, Managing Partner of Quadrum Capital: "As an investment company, we help companies realise growth ambitions responsibly. Avit and Wingmen have shown that by working together, they add value to the current European IT landscape. It is time to exchange their knowledge and expertise with other reputable European companies. We would like to help with that."

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Quadrum Capital